Beckers: Sound engineer On The Double album. Harry Beck: Former stagehand, brother of Piet and Jan Beck.Piet Beck: Former Golden Earring road crew member.Jan Beck: Former Golden Earring road crew member.All American custom made BC-riches can be recognised by the large "R" sign at the neck of the guitar. The Tobacco one is stripped from all original electronics and only has a powerbooster in it. More info about the two BC Rich Supremes 10 string guitars: the Tobacco (modified) is the one he always plays on on stage and he has a second Blonde one (original) which is probably only used at home and not for shows. George has several different BC Rich guitars like two BC Rich Supreme 10 string guitars, a BC Rich mockinbird and the special BC Rich Warlock (eg When The Lady smiles). BC Rich: Brand name for guitars, used by George Kooymans.Made the illustrations for her childrens book "Bibi Moet Plassen" (2005). Barry Hay married her on Februin Las Vegas (USA). Sandra Bastiaan: Wife of Barry Hay, painter, did several expositions by herself.Sandy Bakker: Truck driver\Light tech.After the decease from conductor Rogier van Otterloo (with whom he made many many recordings at Dureco) Dick was asked to take the conductors position for the Metropole Orchestra which he did and took the orchestra to great heights. Dick Bakker later on went to work for Dureco, for which company he designed the recording studio in Weesp and became studio manager/recording engineer for that studio. Other engineers like Jan Audier, Jan Schuurman and John Sonneveld recorded at this studio for bands as well. Dick Bakker: Started out as recording engineer at the famous Soundpush Studio from Frans Mijts at Blaricum.Recorded for many bands in the Dutch popscene. Gerard Bakker: Owner of the GTB studio in The Hague, located Jan van Nassaustraat 67, Den Haag.He passed away on Januat the age of 61 after being ill for several years. Maarten Baggerman met the band again backstage after the 2008 Ahoy concert. Maarten left the roadcrew just after the Twilight Zone USA tour in 1983. Mentioned in special thanks To The Hilt album. Roadie and later on stage- and tourmanager in the Seventies and Eighties. Maarten Baggerman: Former Golden Earring road crew member and soigneur to the band.Mark Baatenburg de Jong: Camera operator for Cesar Zuiderwijks Slagdroom DVD.

Jan Audier: Engineer Miracle Mirror album (1968).Atlantic Records: USA record label for several Golden Earring releases.Robert Ash: Assistent engineer (to John Kriek) To The Hilt album.Artley dwarsfluit: Used in the 70's and 80's by Barry Hay.Rick Arnold: Photography Keeper Of The Flame album (1989).Arcade Records: Record companies specialized in sampler releases.American Gypsy: Thanking on Cut album (1982).Member of Frank Carillo's band the Bandoleros. Karl Allweier: Bass player on the Kooymans\Carillo cd "On Location".Paul van den Akerboom: PA-assistent (at least 2007).Alle Gekheid Met Een Stokje: First Theatreshow (2000) by Cesar Zuiderwijk.Information will be added from time to time. Help building this file and submit your information please! Please note the mentioned info for persons might be incomplete an/or need to be updated in the future. Even names or firm names only are gladly appreciated as I will gather more information for it.
This file is now being build up with information from my Golden Earring Research archives and item information, but please feel free to mail me your additions, updates and corrections.

In the future I will change the layout of this file but I now give priority to gather the information for it. In this Golden Earring-pedia listing I will explain Who is Who and what they did as far as I know about it. During the huge Golden Earring career the band got in touch with many persons and firms.