View of the park, Alameda Creek watershed and Calaveras Reservoir. For information about campsites in other parks, please visit the Camping Page. High Valley Group Camp is closed until further notice. To make group picnic reservations, call 1-888-EBPARKS or 1-88, press option 2. Alameda Grove picnic area is available for reservation. There are picnic sites available on a first come, first served basis. See Trail Mileage for a description of selected hikes. Erosion is ugly and expensive to control. Please do not short cut trails in steep areas or slide in the grass on hillsides or banks. Visit the Sunol Visitor Center for information about these programs. Naturalist-led activities include walks, hikes, birding outings, family activities, nature arts and crafts, virtual programs and various other adventures. Notice: Swimming or wading is NOT allowed in Alameda Creek or any other area in Sunol Wilderness Regional Preserve due to the endangered species that call these waters home. Please abide by the boundary signs and do not trespass onto Water Department lands that are not part of the lease arrangement. It is open to the public through a lease agreement with the San Francisco Water Department, which owns the property. The Alameda Creek Overlook is a scenic gorge on Alameda Creek about two miles upstream from the Visitor Center. Alameda Creek Overlook (Formerly known as Little Yosemite) Separate arrangements may be made for overnight camping at Del Valle Regional Park (outside the Ohlone Wilderness and at the north end of the Ohlone Trail) by calling 1-888-EBPARKS or 1-88, press option 2. For general information about the Ohlone Wilderness, phone 1-888-EBPARKS option 3 x4559. Camping at designated campsites along the Ohlone Wilderness Trail is allowed by advance reservation only (5 business days), and separate arrangements should be made by phoning 1-888-EBPARKS or 1-88, press option 2.

The permit covers foot and equestrian use of the trail only. (Permit(s) will be mailed within 3-5 business days).įee for in-person purchase is $2/person/year by mail/phone/online $4/person/year for first five permits and $3/person/year for each additional permit after five. By Mail: Send your name, address, phone number and check payable to EBRPD to The Reservations Department, EBRPD, 2950 Peralta Oaks Court, P.O.By Phone: call the Reservations Department at 1-88, option 2. (Monday-Friday 10am-3pm).In–person Locations: Sunol (Saturdays, Sundays and major Holidays at Kiosk) and Del Valle Park entrance kiosks. You may purchase your permit in one of the following ways:.Hikers must sign in at trailheads as they enter these lands. Each person age 12 years or older is required to have their own permit. Hikers who cross into the San Francisco Water Department lands that connect Mission Peak Regional Preserve, Sunol-Ohlone Regional Wilderness and Del Valle Regional Park, must carry the Ohlone Wilderness Trail map/permit. An Ohlone Wilderness Permit is required for each person age 12 years or older. Sunol Backpack AreaĬamping is by advance reservation only (5 business days) phone 1-888-EBPARKS or 1-88 press option 2, or visit the Camping page for details. As many as 20 to 40 bird species are often seen in a single morning. Birding is superb along Alameda Creek with acorn woodpecker, black phoebe, titmouse, turkey vulture, and golden eagle commonly sighted. Mountain lions are uncommon, but are occasionally sighted. Ground squirrels, yellow-billed magpies and red-tailed hawks share this wilderness with raccoons, skunks and black-tailed deer. A wildflower identification kit may be checked out at the Visitor Center.

Spring brings wildflowers, including California poppies, mustard, goldfields and lupines, which carpet vast areas in yellow, orange and blue. Coast live oaks abound along with valley and blue oak, elderberry, madrone and gray pine. VegetationĪlameda Creek, Alameda County's largest stream, harbors an inviting creekside community of alder, willow and sycamore. The massive basalt outcrop at Indian Joe Cave Rocks provides sport and challenge to rock climbers.

Great boulders of greenstone, schist and metachert indicate a turbulent past. Exploration will reveal sandstone outcrops with fossils deposited in what was once ancient seabed.